Wednesday, December 30, 2009

About this Blog

This blog is meant to be a place where I post my own thoughts about the sport of paintball.

I am new to the sport and played my first game in May of 2009. I don't pretend to be any sort of authority or guru on paintball. But I am pretty excited about this new sport, and wanted a place to write down what I've learned. I'm not expecting any readership or anything, but if you want to leave a relevant comment, I'd love to hear from you.

Few rules:

1. No spam
2. No comments irrelevant to paintball and no trying to sell stuff
3. Keep it respectful
4. My blog. I don't have to be fair. If I don't like what you say, I'll delete you. If I consistently don't like what you say, I'll ban you.

(that said, I'm pretty laid back with comments. You really have to cross the line to get deleted)


Note: "Riposte" is a term from fencing where you parry the incoming blade and quickly counter-attack with your own sword. I use the term here, because my aim with the blog is to take the incoming attacks and events in paintball and launch my own thoughts from them. And it's aggressive-sounding. Good enough for me.

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